Explore Catalogs and Prints
The Print Club of Cleveland Presentation Print Catalogs
The Red, Blue and Purple Books were published by the Cleveland Museum of Art to chronicle the history of the Print Club of Cleveland, at important moments in the Club’s life.

The Purple Book
The Purple Book was published in 2019 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Print Club of Cleveland. It describes the history of the Club and contains full-color reproductions of all the annual presentation prints, along with special edition prints commissioned by the Club. In addition, the Purple Book contains images, selected by the curators, of 50 important prints gifted by the Print Club to the museum’s Prints and Drawings Department. Readers will enjoy essays by museum leaders and Club members about collecting, gifting and collaborating to promote artists, printmaking and print collecting.

The Blue Book
The Blue Book was published in 1994 on the 75th anniversary of the Club and contains the history of the Club from 1969 to 1994.

The Red Book
The Red Book was published in 1969 on the 50th anniversary of the Club and contains history of the Club from 1919 to 1969. The Red Book is out of print, but it can be viewed in its entirety below as a PDF.

About Artists
The Print Club of Cleveland's About Artists is the definitive guide to all Print Club publication prints spanning from 1924 to the present. About Artists contains biographies of each artist including a detailed description of their publication print.